Bahrain Court Upholds Activist’s Conviction

CAIRO — A court in Bahrain on Tuesday mainly upheld the conviction and prison sentence of a prominent human rights activist in a case that exposed the government to international criticism and was seen as a crucial test of the monarchy’s repeated pledges to allow greater political freedom.

The activist, Nabeel Rajab, was sentenced in August to three years in prison on charges of inciting antigovernment protests. On Tuesday, a judge dismissed one of the charges against Mr. Rajab, who has been incarcerated since August, reducing the overall sentence to two years from three, Mr. Rajab’s brother Ammar said.

“It is very disappointing,” said the brother, who suggested that the decision originated with Bahrain’s rulers rather than with its judiciary. “The leadership of the country are not allowing him to go out of prison.”

Mr. Rajab is among the leading figures in an opposition movement that has worked to ease the monarchy’s hold on political life, and he has been a regular critic of members of the ruling family. The government forcefully repressed a popular uprising last year, and the conflict has settled into a stalemate, transforming what had been one of the region’s most politically vibrant societies into an incubator of resentment and sectarian rifts.

The court decision came two days after Bahrain, in a rare opening, hosted international visitors, including journalists, at a security conference, the Manama Dialogue. A ban on public protests was temporarily lifted to allow Bahrain’s biggest opposition group to hold a rally, and the foreign minister, appearing at the conference, spoke of progress in the reform agenda and a focus on making the judiciary more independent.

Visiting dignitaries, including Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, met with opposition figures and human rights activists.

But the government’s opponents were skeptical that the opening represented any lasting change, pointing out that three opposition politicians who had been invited to the conference were abruptly asked by the organizers not to attend, after pressure from the government.

On the day the conference ended, a prominent antigovernment activist, Zainab al-Khawaja, was arrested for protesting in a public hospital over the treatment of a young man who had been badly injured by the security forces.

Mr. Rajab’s family said before the day of the hearing that it had little expectation of a favorable verdict but nonetheless hoped that recent signs of international pressure — from the United States as well as from President François Hollande of France, who recently mentioned Mr. Rajab publicly — might make a difference.

French and American representatives were in the courtroom on Tuesday, listening as Mr. Rajab defended himself, his brother said. “It’s like the judge never heard him,” he said.

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